In order not to remain deceived, first of all understand how the world deceives you


In the abandoned and dilapidated cell the monk found a note. It read:

“One day the world said to me:” Leave the house and study, because everyone is learning! “And I left my home for study. Then it said to me: “Leave your parents and marry, because all marry!” I left them for my family and soon my parents died. And again the world said to me: “Make more money, provide for your children – look for your own happiness, because everyone wants happiness!”
And in search of an unknown happiness of my own, I began to make money, but my family broke up, the children left me and I was left alone. And the world said to me slyly: “Now I’m leaving you!” – “And with what then will I stay?” – a cry escaped from my chest. And the world, laughing, answered me: “Did you not know that I can not be trusted?” And everything faded from me … That’s how I became a monk. ”

Said the old monk: “In order not to remain deceived, first of all understand how the world deceives you.”

Monk Simeon of Mount Athos


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