MOCDANZ has become an approved Special Religious Education (SRE) provider of the Department of Education in NSW


The Macedonian Orthodox Church – Diocese of Australia and New Zealand – became an approved Orthodox religious education service provider under the Special Religious Education (SRE) program of the NSW’ Department of Education.

From the Orthodox Churches in Australia, in addition to our MOCDANZ, approved Orthodox religious education providers in New South Wales are: The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

Special religious education (SPE) can only be provided by a religious organization approved by the Department of Education.

Our MOCDANZ gained the right to conduct Orthodox religious instruction for Orthodox students – Macedonians in public schools in New South Wales, after successfully preparing the application and meeting all the necessary criteria set by the Department of Education of New South Wales.

Special Religious Education (SRE) is a voluntary program in public schools in New South Wales. Participation is free and completely voluntary and at the choice of parents or guardians.

The MOCDANZ program in the public schools will complement the general education of the Macedonian Orthodox children. Lessons involve much more than biblical knowledge. They will help to develop the sense of the faith of each child in accordance with Orthodox Christianity.

Children will gain a fundamental knowledge of their Orthodox faith, Orthodox Christian identity and way of life. Teacher-lecturers in the program are volunteers who are approved, commissioned and trained by the local parish and the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.

The authorized lecturers will teach the approved Curriculum (from 1st to 6th year) prepared by the Diocesan Education Council of MOCDANZ.

To request additional information, visit the SRE website of MOCDANZ at the following link:

From the Office of MOCDANZ

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